
Wednesday, September 07, 2005

My Two Dolls

My Two Dolls

I'm a fit, manly young lad,
athletic, sharp, strong,
but am touched with a very feminine fad,
to play with dolls, but don't get me wrong.

Two dolls to me are very close,
enough to lift me when I get morose,
enough to liven me up with a cheer,
enough to laugh with me, or to together shed a tear.

Close enough due to fate and time,
without those, this would be a different rhyme,
but to lighten this verse, teasing them is a pleasure,
their loving retorts I greatly treasure.

My mother being the first doll, among other things, of course,
thinking, working, usually in sweet repose,
as I support myself on her small shoulders, smilingly does she sigh,
to tease back, to counter riposte, under dignity does she try.

The second being mother's eldest sister, but wait,
teasing her is not easy, so smart and childlike is her gait.
Every time, without fail, she gives me a hard run for my money,
as funny as life, as true as love, her words, ginger and honey.

As I play around today with these two dolls, all mine,
doing what I used to consider below my years,
playing, poking, laughing, learning, still manly fit and fine,
I'm filled with pity with people who don't play with dolls, my peers.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

A few things to say...

Well, here I am with a few things in my mind that I really have to pen/blog down somewhere or the other; so here goes...

Firstly, two days ago, I heard the loudest thunder imaginable. Now, think of the loudest thunder you've heard; and multiply it by ten : thats how loud it was. It simply freaked me out. I was cosily sleeping in my bed at around 5 in the morning, when I suddenly wake up to hear this loud rumbling sound. But that was just the appetiser... Then followed a series of thunder rolls accompanied by strange vibrations, the second serving of the appetiser, and then all of a sudden, without warning, the main course arrived on my table. The sound that I heard shivering in my bed was so unearthly, my very ears seemed to crawl with fright. The next day, I sadly learnt that what I experienced was not a dream. My friends shared this occurrence with me the first thing in the morning. Man, something strange is goin on...

Secondly, shoot, I'm forgetting what it is... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Umm... yeah, I got it now, we, the senior students of our school, had to take charge of the junior classes for the Teachers' day celebrations on Sept 3. Teachers Day is actually on the 5th, but due to technical difficulties, the event was preponed to the third. Anyways, on that day we discovered what 'innocent', 'obedient', 'disclipined' students (who remind us uncannily of ourselves) put our teachers through. After five classes of he!!, me and all of my contemporaries were ready to drop. Just after one day. It was kinda hard to imagine how the teachers keep going on and on like that... We had a small cultural program on the fifth and I had to make a small speech there. My ending line was:

And its good to know that I'll always have
your smiling face
to guide me when
things are out of place

A slightly modified part from one of my old poems, kinda cheap to use readymade verse, but it couldn't be helped.

Thirdly, we had our school 'educational excursion' (read " picnic ") today and man it was fun. There were two buses, one carrying our class and the other carrying the other one. All of it was good, we sang popular hindi songs till we were hoarse, blah blah blah, had ourselves stuffed up with junk food, blah blah blah, sprayed soda all over each other, blah blah blah...

Fourthly... Today, after the 'educational excursion', I went down for a game of good ol' football with my friends. I go on the field, doing the warm up thing, kicking passes here and there, when I notice of my friends teasing another from the corner of my eye. I don't bother with it, happens all the time, and instead I concentrate on the long pass my buddy is running up to give me. The ball flies in the air. I bend my knees, ready. I suddenly become aware of two figures hurtling towards me. The first one passes me (oh, thats my pal running after doing the "tease"), so I return my attention to the ball, still in the air. I forgot about the second figure. My poor teased friend, running, after his assailant, with his head down. WHAM. That was not the ball. Somehow, my friend's head makes contact with the corner of my upper lip, giving me a blow that sent me reeling. My glasses fly off and I only just manage to stay on my feet. I realise that there is something hot filling my mouth. I make the mistake of opening it. Blood red. Stream. I need say no more. Running, screaming. I stay calm, tell my anguished friend its OK. Inform my captain that I'm sorry that I won't be able to play. Smile, with blood on my face, at the horrified looks my friends' faces are ornamented with. Go to a nearby tennis court. Horrfiy more people, who stare at me like I'm Godzilla (may god bless his/her soul). Politely ask for some water. Smile at how quickly it arrives. Try to wash off the mess, hopeless. See my best bud Shreyas arriving nearby, by fate, on a scooter. Hop on, Shreyas' house, here I come. Upon intensive cleaning and icing, I see that the wound extends well into my cheek from the inside. Shreyas' mom gives me honey, cotton, a hanky, and more ice to apply on the wound. An hour passes with pain. Numbness. A little pain.

As I sit in front of the computer now, for the first time in my life I experience pain when I smile. Slightly irritable, hoping that this hindrance goes away soon, I wonder what other people are thinking about now...