My favorite fiction character of all time. And the subject of most of my college essays. Blast from the past. For me.
Describe a character in fiction, a historical figure, or a creative work (as in art, music, science, etc.) that has had an influence on you, and explain that influence. (Min 250 Words)
"My name is Sherlock Holmes. It is my business to know what other people don't know.”
-The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle
Thus spoke Arthur Conan Doyle’s brilliant, multi-faceted Sherlock Holmes. I have gained a lot of enjoyment from innumerous hours spent reading Sherlock Holmes, but have learned a lot from his character as well. Though this man only lives on paper, his persona and the ideals he stands for deeply inspire me.
Holmes, the famed detective, is famous for solving countless fictional mysteries, uprooting hundreds of criminals on the way. Along with his lovable sidekick Dr. Watson, Holmes conducts investigations all across Europe, some of which have consequences of international significance. Yet, Holmes refrains from pursuing personal glory or illustrious clients and remains committed to the game for the sake of it alone.
I cannot agree with those who rank modesty among the virtues. To the logician all things should be seen exactly as they are, and to underestimate one's self is as much a departure from truth as to exaggerate one's own powers.
-The Adventure of the Greek Interpreter
Indeed, Holmes wields an astounding array of ‘powers’, and is quite candid about them. He possesses a fine faculty of observation, and an extremely articulate deductive ability. He observes minutiae that all others miss, or have only ‘noticed’. He uses his vast knowledge base very frequently to connect the dots. He is a master of all sorts of disguises. Holmes’ ‘methods’ are undoubtedly scientific. He deals with hard facts, creates hypotheses and efficiently proceeds to test them.
It was as a child that I first came across ‘The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes’, and unconsciously started to try and think like him. Holmes’ was my first introduction to the scientific method, long before I entered school. I even find Holmes’ ideals of logic extremely useful and resonant in my own chosen field of Computer Science. I realize that the deductive and organized approach of his is essential in my ambition of a technical career, or rather, in any strait of life. Coming from an academic family, I admire the practical perspective that Holmes creates so well. Inspired by Holmes, I try and inculcate as much practicality and reasoning into my actions as I can. Holmes’ rational mindset is relevant in all wakes of life today and I cite him as an important influence in developing my own at an early age.
“To the man who loves art for its own sake, it is frequently in its least important and lowliest manifestations that the keenest pleasure is to be derived.”
-The Adventure of the Copper Breeches
Holmes is an artist of the highest order, concentrating only on the challenges posed during investigations. He ignores the glamorous aspects of his profession and often leaves public recognition to the members of the official police force. He maintains a wide range of pursuits, ranging from practicing amateur chemistry to playing the violin to training in the martial arts. His only interests are mental stimulation and the pursuit of absolute perfection. This feature of Holmes is one part of my ‘image of perfection’. I find that I am at my best when I apply myself completely to the task at hand, and when I focus on mastering every nuance I come by. Swayed partly by Holmes’ versatility, I chart my own course to become an ‘all-rounder’. I read voraciously, practice hard on my guitar, and profess a competitive spirit to be good at in whatever I do. I may not attain the unreal standards that Holmes does, but I am inspired to try to nevertheless.
There is no lane so vile that the scream of a tortured child, or the thud of a drunkard's blow, does not beget sympathy and indignation…
-The Adventure of the Copper Breeches.
Leading all of Sherlock Holmes’ innumerable talents is a strong set of moral values. He comes across many ethical dilemmas in his investigations, which he counters with a lot of aplomb and grace. From this I learn a very important lesson. No matter how high your status, how many talents you possess, your entire work is meaningless if done without a sound moral compass.
This creation of A.C. Doyle is fantastic, to say the least. Maybe it is easy to learn from an entity that you admire, like and look up to; maybe Sherlock Holmes’ parallels just come naturally to me. All the same, I can say without doubt that he has greatly influenced me, and that I have benefited greatly from this association.
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Is this an essay for a class, or one from your UW application form from years ago?
This one is from a while back. Just put it up there :)
Wonderful work from you, dear. loved reading it. You inspire me!
Holmes and Computer Science?? Practicality/Reasoning and You???
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