Well, I'm here, with my exams looming. A few weeks from now, I will have to give my half-yearlies, commencing the famous "Great-Indian-1oth standard-board-dream-run". After that me and me buddies will have to face a number of exams, tests etc. etc. blah blah blah... I think its kinda a strange that I had spoken on the topic "Is success or faliure in exams really important?" Ha Ha. Drop the dloomy stuff, on to something nicer.
The Bengali festival of Durga Pooja has commenced, giving room for enjoyment. I have a few nights of conversing in Bengali, gorging on food, chilling with friends, the good stuff...
Other than that, nothing out of the blue at the moment, but I think I'll put up my speech on "Is success or faliure..."
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Sunday, October 02, 2005
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
My Two Dolls
My Two Dolls
I'm a fit, manly young lad,
athletic, sharp, strong,
but am touched with a very feminine fad,
to play with dolls, but don't get me wrong.
Two dolls to me are very close,
enough to lift me when I get morose,
enough to liven me up with a cheer,
enough to laugh with me, or to together shed a tear.
Close enough due to fate and time,
without those, this would be a different rhyme,
but to lighten this verse, teasing them is a pleasure,
their loving retorts I greatly treasure.
My mother being the first doll, among other things, of course,
thinking, working, usually in sweet repose,
as I support myself on her small shoulders, smilingly does she sigh,
to tease back, to counter riposte, under dignity does she try.
The second being mother's eldest sister, but wait,
teasing her is not easy, so smart and childlike is her gait.
Every time, without fail, she gives me a hard run for my money,
as funny as life, as true as love, her words, ginger and honey.
As I play around today with these two dolls, all mine,
doing what I used to consider below my years,
playing, poking, laughing, learning, still manly fit and fine,
I'm filled with pity with people who don't play with dolls, my peers.
I'm a fit, manly young lad,
athletic, sharp, strong,
but am touched with a very feminine fad,
to play with dolls, but don't get me wrong.
Two dolls to me are very close,
enough to lift me when I get morose,
enough to liven me up with a cheer,
enough to laugh with me, or to together shed a tear.
Close enough due to fate and time,
without those, this would be a different rhyme,
but to lighten this verse, teasing them is a pleasure,
their loving retorts I greatly treasure.
My mother being the first doll, among other things, of course,
thinking, working, usually in sweet repose,
as I support myself on her small shoulders, smilingly does she sigh,
to tease back, to counter riposte, under dignity does she try.
The second being mother's eldest sister, but wait,
teasing her is not easy, so smart and childlike is her gait.
Every time, without fail, she gives me a hard run for my money,
as funny as life, as true as love, her words, ginger and honey.
As I play around today with these two dolls, all mine,
doing what I used to consider below my years,
playing, poking, laughing, learning, still manly fit and fine,
I'm filled with pity with people who don't play with dolls, my peers.
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
A few things to say...
Well, here I am with a few things in my mind that I really have to pen/blog down somewhere or the other; so here goes...
Firstly, two days ago, I heard the loudest thunder imaginable. Now, think of the loudest thunder you've heard; and multiply it by ten : thats how loud it was. It simply freaked me out. I was cosily sleeping in my bed at around 5 in the morning, when I suddenly wake up to hear this loud rumbling sound. But that was just the appetiser... Then followed a series of thunder rolls accompanied by strange vibrations, the second serving of the appetiser, and then all of a sudden, without warning, the main course arrived on my table. The sound that I heard shivering in my bed was so unearthly, my very ears seemed to crawl with fright. The next day, I sadly learnt that what I experienced was not a dream. My friends shared this occurrence with me the first thing in the morning. Man, something strange is goin on...
Secondly, shoot, I'm forgetting what it is... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Umm... yeah, I got it now, we, the senior students of our school, had to take charge of the junior classes for the Teachers' day celebrations on Sept 3. Teachers Day is actually on the 5th, but due to technical difficulties, the event was preponed to the third. Anyways, on that day we discovered what 'innocent', 'obedient', 'disclipined' students (who remind us uncannily of ourselves) put our teachers through. After five classes of he!!, me and all of my contemporaries were ready to drop. Just after one day. It was kinda hard to imagine how the teachers keep going on and on like that... We had a small cultural program on the fifth and I had to make a small speech there. My ending line was:
And its good to know that I'll always have
your smiling face
to guide me when
things are out of place
A slightly modified part from one of my old poems, kinda cheap to use readymade verse, but it couldn't be helped.
Thirdly, we had our school 'educational excursion' (read " picnic ") today and man it was fun. There were two buses, one carrying our class and the other carrying the other one. All of it was good, we sang popular hindi songs till we were hoarse, blah blah blah, had ourselves stuffed up with junk food, blah blah blah, sprayed soda all over each other, blah blah blah...
Fourthly... Today, after the 'educational excursion', I went down for a game of good ol' football with my friends. I go on the field, doing the warm up thing, kicking passes here and there, when I notice of my friends teasing another from the corner of my eye. I don't bother with it, happens all the time, and instead I concentrate on the long pass my buddy is running up to give me. The ball flies in the air. I bend my knees, ready. I suddenly become aware of two figures hurtling towards me. The first one passes me (oh, thats my pal running after doing the "tease"), so I return my attention to the ball, still in the air. I forgot about the second figure. My poor teased friend, running, after his assailant, with his head down. WHAM. That was not the ball. Somehow, my friend's head makes contact with the corner of my upper lip, giving me a blow that sent me reeling. My glasses fly off and I only just manage to stay on my feet. I realise that there is something hot filling my mouth. I make the mistake of opening it. Blood red. Stream. I need say no more. Running, screaming. I stay calm, tell my anguished friend its OK. Inform my captain that I'm sorry that I won't be able to play. Smile, with blood on my face, at the horrified looks my friends' faces are ornamented with. Go to a nearby tennis court. Horrfiy more people, who stare at me like I'm Godzilla (may god bless his/her soul). Politely ask for some water. Smile at how quickly it arrives. Try to wash off the mess, hopeless. See my best bud Shreyas arriving nearby, by fate, on a scooter. Hop on, Shreyas' house, here I come. Upon intensive cleaning and icing, I see that the wound extends well into my cheek from the inside. Shreyas' mom gives me honey, cotton, a hanky, and more ice to apply on the wound. An hour passes with pain. Numbness. A little pain.
As I sit in front of the computer now, for the first time in my life I experience pain when I smile. Slightly irritable, hoping that this hindrance goes away soon, I wonder what other people are thinking about now...
Firstly, two days ago, I heard the loudest thunder imaginable. Now, think of the loudest thunder you've heard; and multiply it by ten : thats how loud it was. It simply freaked me out. I was cosily sleeping in my bed at around 5 in the morning, when I suddenly wake up to hear this loud rumbling sound. But that was just the appetiser... Then followed a series of thunder rolls accompanied by strange vibrations, the second serving of the appetiser, and then all of a sudden, without warning, the main course arrived on my table. The sound that I heard shivering in my bed was so unearthly, my very ears seemed to crawl with fright. The next day, I sadly learnt that what I experienced was not a dream. My friends shared this occurrence with me the first thing in the morning. Man, something strange is goin on...
Secondly, shoot, I'm forgetting what it is... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Umm... yeah, I got it now, we, the senior students of our school, had to take charge of the junior classes for the Teachers' day celebrations on Sept 3. Teachers Day is actually on the 5th, but due to technical difficulties, the event was preponed to the third. Anyways, on that day we discovered what 'innocent', 'obedient', 'disclipined' students (who remind us uncannily of ourselves) put our teachers through. After five classes of he!!, me and all of my contemporaries were ready to drop. Just after one day. It was kinda hard to imagine how the teachers keep going on and on like that... We had a small cultural program on the fifth and I had to make a small speech there. My ending line was:
And its good to know that I'll always have
your smiling face
to guide me when
things are out of place
A slightly modified part from one of my old poems, kinda cheap to use readymade verse, but it couldn't be helped.
Thirdly, we had our school 'educational excursion' (read " picnic ") today and man it was fun. There were two buses, one carrying our class and the other carrying the other one. All of it was good, we sang popular hindi songs till we were hoarse, blah blah blah, had ourselves stuffed up with junk food, blah blah blah, sprayed soda all over each other, blah blah blah...
Fourthly... Today, after the 'educational excursion', I went down for a game of good ol' football with my friends. I go on the field, doing the warm up thing, kicking passes here and there, when I notice of my friends teasing another from the corner of my eye. I don't bother with it, happens all the time, and instead I concentrate on the long pass my buddy is running up to give me. The ball flies in the air. I bend my knees, ready. I suddenly become aware of two figures hurtling towards me. The first one passes me (oh, thats my pal running after doing the "tease"), so I return my attention to the ball, still in the air. I forgot about the second figure. My poor teased friend, running, after his assailant, with his head down. WHAM. That was not the ball. Somehow, my friend's head makes contact with the corner of my upper lip, giving me a blow that sent me reeling. My glasses fly off and I only just manage to stay on my feet. I realise that there is something hot filling my mouth. I make the mistake of opening it. Blood red. Stream. I need say no more. Running, screaming. I stay calm, tell my anguished friend its OK. Inform my captain that I'm sorry that I won't be able to play. Smile, with blood on my face, at the horrified looks my friends' faces are ornamented with. Go to a nearby tennis court. Horrfiy more people, who stare at me like I'm Godzilla (may god bless his/her soul). Politely ask for some water. Smile at how quickly it arrives. Try to wash off the mess, hopeless. See my best bud Shreyas arriving nearby, by fate, on a scooter. Hop on, Shreyas' house, here I come. Upon intensive cleaning and icing, I see that the wound extends well into my cheek from the inside. Shreyas' mom gives me honey, cotton, a hanky, and more ice to apply on the wound. An hour passes with pain. Numbness. A little pain.
As I sit in front of the computer now, for the first time in my life I experience pain when I smile. Slightly irritable, hoping that this hindrance goes away soon, I wonder what other people are thinking about now...
Saturday, August 27, 2005
A Game Of Chess
For Varun, Kaushik, Karthik, Rohit and Saheb...
A Game Of Chess
Two old men set up the checked field,
a great battle is to ensue,
each side choices colour and victory, never to yield,
but strange, the soldiers are but few.
Fighters placed in a square alone,
all ever ready to save their king,
faceless in black and white, and set in stone,
the glories of these armies do I sing.
The King, paralysed, can move but a pace,
honest rooks, crooked bishops, the strong queen, never jest,
yet in cunning the knight none can race,
that said, the hardy pawns bring up the rest.
The White army makes the first attack,
the Black ever defiant, reply,
the two generals, their wits demurely intact,
to trap the other king, do they try.
On and on the battle rages,
but the White general errs, panics, scrambles at large,
alert throughout all stages,
the sharp Black knights, charge!!
The White vanuguards, citadel, shatter
but are unimportant now,
for the knights jump over former and latter,
as sweat drips from the White marshall's prow.
The poor White King, beleagured, trapped,
his defenses tricked, as his masters head wrings,
even in danger he can't move, his options sapped,
its called checkmate, friend, and the Black side wins.
Hope You Liked It...
A Game Of Chess
Two old men set up the checked field,
a great battle is to ensue,
each side choices colour and victory, never to yield,
but strange, the soldiers are but few.
Fighters placed in a square alone,
all ever ready to save their king,
faceless in black and white, and set in stone,
the glories of these armies do I sing.
The King, paralysed, can move but a pace,
honest rooks, crooked bishops, the strong queen, never jest,
yet in cunning the knight none can race,
that said, the hardy pawns bring up the rest.
The White army makes the first attack,
the Black ever defiant, reply,
the two generals, their wits demurely intact,
to trap the other king, do they try.
On and on the battle rages,
but the White general errs, panics, scrambles at large,
alert throughout all stages,
the sharp Black knights, charge!!
The White vanuguards, citadel, shatter
but are unimportant now,
for the knights jump over former and latter,
as sweat drips from the White marshall's prow.
The poor White King, beleagured, trapped,
his defenses tricked, as his masters head wrings,
even in danger he can't move, his options sapped,
its called checkmate, friend, and the Black side wins.
Hope You Liked It...
Sunday, August 21, 2005
For A Specifc Audience, Again.
For My Sisters Dear
As I gaze out in the sky so blue,
with a slash of orange, of pink a hue,
I'm sad to say this present is long overdue,
for my sisters, my precious few.
As I hasten on my machine to write,
thinking fast in the evening light,
upon myself I'm filled with spite,
as I hope this is adequate, hopefully quite.
My heartless critic writers,
my opponents, punishers, fighters,
yet bosom close ye far and short sighters,
to have you I'm a lucky blighter.
Your eyes filled with rage,joy, or with many a tear,
your word can be a petal, or a sharp spear,
yet this one thing I fear,
I couldn't love you more, my sisters dear.
As I gaze out in the sky so blue,
with a slash of orange, of pink a hue,
I'm sad to say this present is long overdue,
for my sisters, my precious few.
As I hasten on my machine to write,
thinking fast in the evening light,
upon myself I'm filled with spite,
as I hope this is adequate, hopefully quite.
My heartless critic writers,
my opponents, punishers, fighters,
yet bosom close ye far and short sighters,
to have you I'm a lucky blighter.
Your eyes filled with rage,joy, or with many a tear,
your word can be a petal, or a sharp spear,
yet this one thing I fear,
I couldn't love you more, my sisters dear.
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Raksha Bandhan.... Careful now...

Hey Guys, I'm feeling rather apprehensive on the eve of Raksha Bandhan... I hope I get as few 'rakhis' as possible from outside the family from people my age or younger ;-0
Kidding aside,
the tradition of Raksha Bandhan first started when a widowed Queen, desperate for protection, tied the symbolic thread (called a Rakhi) to a neighbouring King. Doing this, she placed the role of a brother on the king and thus enlisted his protection. Nowadays, girls young and old tie 'rakhis' to boys in a display of brother-sister affection, although there may be some exceptions. So here are my best wishes for all of those who are to indulge in this extremely symbolic ceremony.
This is Ambar, signing out.
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Happy Independence Day!!!!!!

Today, August 15, is the day of independence for the republic of India. 58 years ago the leaders of this great nation had won their long, hard fought war against the British rulers. My heartfelt salutations to those who sacrificed their all for the nation.
The day started out pretty well with a function in our school. We were serenaded with various patriotic songs and tickled by many witty speeches. Every where around me I could see the 'Tirangas' held up high. The sensation that you experience when you see the flag being unfurled atop the pole and when the national anthem begins, is something that you can't describe. After the school function we went to a Social Studies and Science exhibition held nearby. We had a nice time terrorizing the people whose projects and explanantion were not at par with the others. Man, being sadistic sometimes has its pleasures ;-)
All in all, a good day uptil now (11:00 AM, 15 August, 2005)
Monday, August 01, 2005
Something To Cling On To
Guys, I recently talked about my passion for books and that post inspired me to come out with a poem about, well, see for yourselves...
Something To Cling On To
Time drags by, seconds seem hours,
and your heart beats utterly slow,
your breathings fine, but memory chars,
as spontaneous times seem so long ago.
When you struggle to find that vibe,
that electric spark with you,
know this my friend (and this is no jibe)
that you need something to cling on to.
Now to me this question you might bring,
What is this wonderful thing?
That fills our hearts with desire?
Sets our minds on fire?
My answer, ever unchanging, remains,
through fire, dirt, and monsoon rains,
through every realm of time and space,
a PASSION, to set your soul ablaze.
A passion, a spark, an idea,
an immersion, a desire, a skill,
It is whatever you may name,
but sets your heart afill,
with a calming breath, a new flame.
Use it, nurture it, feel it,
it will fill you anew with life,
care for it, know it, think of it,
and gone are your vexation, emptiness and strife.
There is always, always, that thing for you,
that something to cling on to,
in boredom and in fear,
that something ever so dear.
Something To Cling On To
Time drags by, seconds seem hours,
and your heart beats utterly slow,
your breathings fine, but memory chars,
as spontaneous times seem so long ago.
When you struggle to find that vibe,
that electric spark with you,
know this my friend (and this is no jibe)
that you need something to cling on to.
Now to me this question you might bring,
What is this wonderful thing?
That fills our hearts with desire?
Sets our minds on fire?
My answer, ever unchanging, remains,
through fire, dirt, and monsoon rains,
through every realm of time and space,
a PASSION, to set your soul ablaze.
A passion, a spark, an idea,
an immersion, a desire, a skill,
It is whatever you may name,
but sets your heart afill,
with a calming breath, a new flame.
Use it, nurture it, feel it,
it will fill you anew with life,
care for it, know it, think of it,
and gone are your vexation, emptiness and strife.
There is always, always, that thing for you,
that something to cling on to,
in boredom and in fear,
that something ever so dear.
Sunday, July 31, 2005
Where is Alladin's Lamp?
Man, this has been my first real encounter with a catastrophe. The rain won't seem to stop in the city of Mumbai. Today being Monday, its been pouring and pouring since last Tuesday. The place I stay in, Anushaktinagar, has a pretty good drainage system and has never been overpowered in this manner before. I have gotten used to seing water instead of roads, people swimming instead of walking.
The government is confused and stumped by this occurrence, and has no Alladin's Lamp to solve its problems. There is no genie coming in and rescuing all of the people devastated by floods. All schools and government institutions are closed today, with tomorrow's decision uncertain. This is the first time in my life that I can remember being given a holiday because of RAIN...
Anyways, this rain thing has to stop soon. The dams over here have started overflowing and I hope that this situation dosen't get too bad now. It has been pouring so much that the annual water need of the entire city of Mumbai has been poured upon us in the matter of a week. Saddening.
I hope Alladin's lamp resurfaces soon.
The government is confused and stumped by this occurrence, and has no Alladin's Lamp to solve its problems. There is no genie coming in and rescuing all of the people devastated by floods. All schools and government institutions are closed today, with tomorrow's decision uncertain. This is the first time in my life that I can remember being given a holiday because of RAIN...
Anyways, this rain thing has to stop soon. The dams over here have started overflowing and I hope that this situation dosen't get too bad now. It has been pouring so much that the annual water need of the entire city of Mumbai has been poured upon us in the matter of a week. Saddening.
I hope Alladin's lamp resurfaces soon.
Saturday, July 23, 2005
The Joys of Harry Potter
Man, Harry Potter always has been special for me. I remember, going back to the year 1997, when the first Harry Potter book was published. Back then, I had just read about it from some magazine, and I decided to give it a shot...
The first Harry Potter book, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's (or Sorcerer's) Stone was like all first books in a series. It wasn't able to get into the plot too far, but nevertheless was an enjoyable read. Harry Potter managed to arise in me that something you fell... that something. I, being a confessed book freak, a bibliophile, was instantly entangled into this new, imaginative world...
I went on to purchase copies of the second, third and fourth books. I was not disappointed. All the books managed to keep up the continuity of the series; they never the let the tempo down, never. (That was one of the main reasons the LOTR book and movie series appealed to me too). In order: Harry Potter and the - Chamber of Secrets, the Prisoner of Azkaban and Goblet of Fire instantly captured a place in my heart. I had a new obsession...
The wait for the fifth book, Harry Potter and the Order of The Phoenix was long and tiring... I was Harry Potter starved and sorely in need of a book to cling on to. When the book came out, I bought and finished it on the day of the release. This fifth book was a turning point in the series, one that showed Harry Potter in the transition phase of growing up. I was slightly disappointed at some parts but still, it was nothing to quench the fire that was dancing brightly inside me. I could not wait for the next book of Harry Potter.
JK Rowling was undoubltedly cruel in her taking so much time to release the next book (it was released a week ago; I again read and finished the book on the day of the release) . This book, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, portrayed Harry as a man, a matured one. I truly feel that this is the best book in the series so far...
The Harry Potter series of books has given me, and millions of others something to think about, something to be passionate about. JK Rowling's (god bless her) life has been remarkably trnasformed. From living a below-middle-class lifestyle, she is now a legitimate millionare, I'm sorry, BILLIONARE. The book has inspired things ranging from Harry Potter pencil cases to the successful Harry Potter movie series. Seriously, Daniel Radcliffe, the boy playing the part of Harry Potter in the movies, has become quite a large symbol of the Harry Potter movement, not to mention a youth icon. Many book series based on plots similar to that of Harry Potter have also become successes; the most noteworthy of them being the book "Eragon".
Harry Potter has become a huge mammoth in our world today. You can see marks of him anywhere, everywhere. He has overshadowed all else, a true phenomenon, but one I feel that has been created by readers and readers alone. If you scratched out the movies and all else for me, the magic would not stop...
And thats all.
The first Harry Potter book, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's (or Sorcerer's) Stone was like all first books in a series. It wasn't able to get into the plot too far, but nevertheless was an enjoyable read. Harry Potter managed to arise in me that something you fell... that something. I, being a confessed book freak, a bibliophile, was instantly entangled into this new, imaginative world...
I went on to purchase copies of the second, third and fourth books. I was not disappointed. All the books managed to keep up the continuity of the series; they never the let the tempo down, never. (That was one of the main reasons the LOTR book and movie series appealed to me too). In order: Harry Potter and the - Chamber of Secrets, the Prisoner of Azkaban and Goblet of Fire instantly captured a place in my heart. I had a new obsession...
The wait for the fifth book, Harry Potter and the Order of The Phoenix was long and tiring... I was Harry Potter starved and sorely in need of a book to cling on to. When the book came out, I bought and finished it on the day of the release. This fifth book was a turning point in the series, one that showed Harry Potter in the transition phase of growing up. I was slightly disappointed at some parts but still, it was nothing to quench the fire that was dancing brightly inside me. I could not wait for the next book of Harry Potter.
JK Rowling was undoubltedly cruel in her taking so much time to release the next book (it was released a week ago; I again read and finished the book on the day of the release) . This book, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, portrayed Harry as a man, a matured one. I truly feel that this is the best book in the series so far...
The Harry Potter series of books has given me, and millions of others something to think about, something to be passionate about. JK Rowling's (god bless her) life has been remarkably trnasformed. From living a below-middle-class lifestyle, she is now a legitimate millionare, I'm sorry, BILLIONARE. The book has inspired things ranging from Harry Potter pencil cases to the successful Harry Potter movie series. Seriously, Daniel Radcliffe, the boy playing the part of Harry Potter in the movies, has become quite a large symbol of the Harry Potter movement, not to mention a youth icon. Many book series based on plots similar to that of Harry Potter have also become successes; the most noteworthy of them being the book "Eragon".
Harry Potter has become a huge mammoth in our world today. You can see marks of him anywhere, everywhere. He has overshadowed all else, a true phenomenon, but one I feel that has been created by readers and readers alone. If you scratched out the movies and all else for me, the magic would not stop...
And thats all.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
A heart of gold, eyes bold,
with blood as hot as fire, or as calm as ice,
the patriot ever stands tall,
to make every sacrifice.
A sacrifice for the nation's flag,
ever proud and high,
a sacrifice, for the nation's folk
without uttering a single sigh.
A sacrifice for the green dales,
with their rushing rivers,
a sacrifice for the glassy vales,
their peaks filled with glimmer.
A heart of gold, eyes bold,
they come in every shape and size,
only in their nation's name do they fall,
after giving the ultimate sacrifice.
Man or woman, boy or girl,
be they short or tall, dark or fair,
bravely does their tale unfurl,
to keep free the nation's air.
Maybe they are kind healers,
their hearts filled with pity,
or clever, shrewd architects,
to a build a noble city.
Or the brave soldier on the battle field,
some strong, some hurt, and some not but confused,
but never do their hearts and weapons yield,
those hearts, filled with patriotic hues.
A heart of gold, eyes bold,
never do they seek a prize,
their nation's wound is their own,
until their very demise.
My heart belong to these great people,
and I hope to become one too,
but I fear I lack the needed qualities,
now tell me, what am I to do?
Let their bodies be set ablaze,
or their house burnt down to splinters,
in all times would they be unfazed
as they guide their loved nation through the winters
They don't know (but really hope),
that spring shall return, with birds
and flowers fine,
for they are pariots, and in the eyes of all,
forever do they shine.
A heart of gold, eyes bold,
with blood as hot as fire, or as calm as ice,
the patriot ever stands tall,
to make every sacrifice.
A sacrifice for the nation's flag,
ever proud and high,
a sacrifice, for the nation's folk
without uttering a single sigh.
A sacrifice for the green dales,
with their rushing rivers,
a sacrifice for the glassy vales,
their peaks filled with glimmer.
A heart of gold, eyes bold,
they come in every shape and size,
only in their nation's name do they fall,
after giving the ultimate sacrifice.
Man or woman, boy or girl,
be they short or tall, dark or fair,
bravely does their tale unfurl,
to keep free the nation's air.
Maybe they are kind healers,
their hearts filled with pity,
or clever, shrewd architects,
to a build a noble city.
Or the brave soldier on the battle field,
some strong, some hurt, and some not but confused,
but never do their hearts and weapons yield,
those hearts, filled with patriotic hues.
A heart of gold, eyes bold,
never do they seek a prize,
their nation's wound is their own,
until their very demise.
My heart belong to these great people,
and I hope to become one too,
but I fear I lack the needed qualities,
now tell me, what am I to do?
Let their bodies be set ablaze,
or their house burnt down to splinters,
in all times would they be unfazed
as they guide their loved nation through the winters
They don't know (but really hope),
that spring shall return, with birds
and flowers fine,
for they are pariots, and in the eyes of all,
forever do they shine.
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Armageddon, just for the record...
Anyways, getting on with stuff, this incident happened a few days ago but I wanted to keep a record of it on the net so that I could read about later and laugh my head off....
So we wanna see a movie right.... We decided to go for 'Sarkar' a Bollywood version of 'The Godfather' with Amitabh Bachchan in the lead role... We heard it was a good movie and the promos sure lookeed really good. Ahem. We decided to set out for the movie (my first mistake) on a Sunday afternoon (my second mistake) by train. When we got to the station, we found that the trains weren't running because of some repair work going on and wouldn' t start till 4 PM. It was about 2:30 PM then, and the movie was to start at 3:00 PM. My friend really wanted to see the movie, so he insisted on taking a cab (he agreed to foot the bill). We eventually reached the theatre by 2:50 PM (and then I realised my second mistake). Ahem, the movie is a total hit, was just released, and we went on a Sunday afternoon, without prior booking (I'll take that Nobel prize for idiotic behaviour now, please). With shattered dreams we decided to go chill at a mall. After spending a couple of hours over there, at 4:20 PM, we reached the TRAIN station and found out that there was a huge, HUGE crowd waiting for the trains to start aince 3:00 PM. When I say huge, I mean the type of crowds you see in Bombay during Ganesh Chaturthi :-(. After a lot of roughing it out, we managed to get into the first train that came by (wohhhooo!!!!). We got a huge jolt when we found out that the number and flow people coming in at the place we had to get off, was so high that getting out was virtually impossible. We were sweaty, angry, hungry, and not sure wether we had enough money to make it home from the next stop; a dangerous combination. It was time for some shameless pushing, shoving and screaming. I got off first and had to pull my friend out of the train entrance, where he had got stuck... With both feet firmly on the ground, both of us took deep breaths and exhaled - finally at peace. Our spirits were high when we strolled out of the station and walked towards our place. But alas! Our miseries were not yet complete... As we exited the station, a stupid crow swooped down, blessed my friend and flew off. @#@^#%@^%@^%#$@^#^$@^#$@#@#@!#. For a second, we just stared at each other, and I started laughing out loud. Laughing at both of us, at sheer coincidence. This had to be aramageddon man... whatever.
#@%$$@%@#$@# PHew... I needed to get that out of my system....
And thats that.
So we wanna see a movie right.... We decided to go for 'Sarkar' a Bollywood version of 'The Godfather' with Amitabh Bachchan in the lead role... We heard it was a good movie and the promos sure lookeed really good. Ahem. We decided to set out for the movie (my first mistake) on a Sunday afternoon (my second mistake) by train. When we got to the station, we found that the trains weren't running because of some repair work going on and wouldn' t start till 4 PM. It was about 2:30 PM then, and the movie was to start at 3:00 PM. My friend really wanted to see the movie, so he insisted on taking a cab (he agreed to foot the bill). We eventually reached the theatre by 2:50 PM (and then I realised my second mistake). Ahem, the movie is a total hit, was just released, and we went on a Sunday afternoon, without prior booking (I'll take that Nobel prize for idiotic behaviour now, please). With shattered dreams we decided to go chill at a mall. After spending a couple of hours over there, at 4:20 PM, we reached the TRAIN station and found out that there was a huge, HUGE crowd waiting for the trains to start aince 3:00 PM. When I say huge, I mean the type of crowds you see in Bombay during Ganesh Chaturthi :-(. After a lot of roughing it out, we managed to get into the first train that came by (wohhhooo!!!!). We got a huge jolt when we found out that the number and flow people coming in at the place we had to get off, was so high that getting out was virtually impossible. We were sweaty, angry, hungry, and not sure wether we had enough money to make it home from the next stop; a dangerous combination. It was time for some shameless pushing, shoving and screaming. I got off first and had to pull my friend out of the train entrance, where he had got stuck... With both feet firmly on the ground, both of us took deep breaths and exhaled - finally at peace. Our spirits were high when we strolled out of the station and walked towards our place. But alas! Our miseries were not yet complete... As we exited the station, a stupid crow swooped down, blessed my friend and flew off. @#@^#%@^%@^%#$@^#^$@^#$@#@#@!#. For a second, we just stared at each other, and I started laughing out loud. Laughing at both of us, at sheer coincidence. This had to be aramageddon man... whatever.
#@%$$@%@#$@# PHew... I needed to get that out of my system....
And thats that.
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